Solar Edge Automation Machines S.p.A. new name and owner for the company
As of 11th October 2024 Ibla Capital, Investment Company, through the Ibla Indutries 11 fund, has taken 100% of Solar Edge Automattion Machines S.p.A. From Solar Edge Group, a global leader in smart energy technology.
Solar Edge Automation Machines, founded in 2004, currently employs just over 70 employees and is expected to reach a turnover of 12 million Euro in 2024.
Solar Edge Auotomation Machines S.p.A. has also changed it name to: Cutting Edge Automated Machines S.p.A. The change came ito effect on the 28th October 2024.
Vincezo Santoro, Chief Investment Officer of Ibla Capaital stated:
''Solaredge Automation Machines is a well-managed company, operating in a fragmented and rapidly growing market. With the support of Ibla Capital it will be further developed, also through acquisitions, into a reference for the industry globally''
For more information please contact RHPT head office
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