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30 years co-operation with Geaf company

It was in 1995 at the K show in Dusseldorf that we first began to work together.

I arrived at the stand on the Monday morning and within 2 hours had sold my first machine to To a New York company called Enaby. The two managers of the company had spent 3 days looking for a PP in-line welding machine and were leaving the exhibition. As they walked past the stand I recognised them from the Chicago company, Atapco where several years earlier I had installed a Widmann automated machine. On discussions with them they advised that they were looking for a PP in-line welding machine. I stepped aside and there was the perfect machine a Geaf LBT in-line PP welding machine.

After  several demonstrations and discussions with the owner, who was in New York the sale was finalized at £85,000.00. We later met the owner at the Schloss hotel after the show to complete the deal. Not bad for 2 hours work. In the 30 years we have processed over €50M in sales, the majority being in the Medical sector.

During the first year myself and Morris Bardiani, the sales manager for Geaf, visited many companies in the UK and we completed over £500K worth of sales in the first year. Morris was not only a work colleague but we became good frends over the years. In fact  I can say that about all of the staff at the Geaf company.

It was a perfect match, Geaf supplied the very best in machinery and RH Plastics Technology supplied the sales and after sales support.

Our company motto is 'TEAM' which means 'Together everyone achieves more' If you put yourself in the position of the customer and if you want to be treated a certain way then do the same for your customer. Its pretty simple but has worked well for over 34 years since our formation in 1991.

Looking forward to the next 30 years

Robert Haxby

Manging Director

RH Plastics Technology Ltd

RHPT Holdings Ltd


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