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DEPTA NX 4Kw foot welder with pneumatic pressure control

The DEPTA NX 4Kw footwelder with pneumatic pressure control and options for gooseneck or table, is the newest version of the DEPTA range of machinery. The machine has many unique features such as:

Auto-tuning of the output power

Operator touch screen

Programmable tooling parameters which can be stored and retreived for use later

Depth stop funtion to allow for accurate pressure settings

Gooseneck or table can be installed

Conforms to all UK and European regulations

There is no other machine in the market that has the quality of build and operation features of the DEPTA NX machine

The machine is supplied in the UK and Ireland by RH Plastics Technology Ltd

The machine shown below is installed in a UK customer premises and is exceeding the customer expectations. 

We have sold over 200 ZD4N / DEPATA machines. For more information please contact our sales department 




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