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RH Plastics Technology enters 30 years since starting 1991-2020

We are now in our 30th year since the formation of the company in 1991. Little did I realise that almost 30 years on we have grown from a small one man business, operating from a small offfice in Shipley West Yorkshire, to one of the leading suppliers of bespoke machinery to customers worldwide.

We supply machinery and services to multinational companies such as 3M, Gillette, P&G, Pelican Healthcare, Auria Solutions, Salts Healthcare, TG Eakin, Welland Medical plus many more.

We are accredited to ISO 9001 2015, TUV, Safe Contractor, British Nuclear Fuels, and M.O.D. 

Our company moto is T.E.A.M. Together Everybody Achieves More. We work together to not only support our customers but to also work together to support each other.

Looking forward to the next 30 years

Robert Haxby

Managing Director 

RH Plastics Technology Ltd


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